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Treat the patient according to their signs and symptoms.  

Order labs and tests, then use results to diagnose the patient.

Use patient history and physical exam to create a differential diagnosis.

Background Information:  Teams will be presented a clinical case following a patient through 2-3 clinical case vignettes.  The case will involve multiple organ systems, designed to incorporate aspects from different healthcare fields.


Rules:  Teams will have predetermined time to complete the given vignettes. Once time is completed each team will be given a short period prepare an oral, rounds-style presentation.  Teams will then have 15 minutes to present and receive feedback from a panel of health professionals.


Teams:  Teams can have no more than 6, and no less than 4 members. More than 1 health profession school must be represented in each team.  If you would like to participate, but do not have a full team (or are an individual) you can still register. We will combine this pool of participants into teams.


Judging:  Each team will present their case vignettes to judges.  The judging panels will use a rubric specifically designed by the case-writers to ensure objective evaluation.  Each team will receive a copy of their score break at the end of the competition.

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